Team Spatulas & Corkscrews Has a New Soldier!
That's right! We have a new soldier! And, he's a friend of one of our very own bakers - Kathy! Isn't that exciting? It makes it so much more personal, don't you think? Kathy says, "Brandon is the soldier I was telling you about. He is a family friend. I was wondering if it would be possible for him to be assigned to the Spatulas & Corkscrews team that I have signed up on. My daughter wants to help me bake for him." Well, heck yeah! We'll bake for him and his buddies, won't we?!
Kathy also sent me some pictures of Brandon. I can't help but think he looks so young to go into battle. He could be my own son for goodness sake! That must be scary for any Mom, Grandma, sister or girlfriend. I know I would be a basket case if he were related to me.
The holidays are fast approaching and it's gotta be very lonely for these troops to be so far removed from family and friends. Let's show him some support and make his troop happy, feel appreciated and loved.
Some Info About Brandon
Because Kathy knows Brandon, she has a little more info on him than we did for our last soldier Chaplain Jones - which by the way was VERY happy and appreciative with all the goodies we sent them last month. See our round up of all the bakers packages here!
"Brandon is a 19 year old navy soldier from O'Fallon, IL. He is currently deployed in Iraq, and will be there for four to six months. He's a vegetarian. He enjoys snowboarding, rollerblading, music, photography, mountain biking, and writing (poetry)."
Obviously, we won't be sending snowboarding and rollerblading equipment to him. And the vegetarian thing won't be a problem either, since we won't be sending meat products. Remember, NO pork products! Better yet, even though he'll be sharing all these goodies with his buddies, don't send meat anything!
Have your kids help out with hand drawn pictures from home. Postcards of your city or state would help them feel connected back home. Some bakers are sending blank cards so the troops have something to send back to their loved ones. That's a real good idea! Candy (no chocolate or gummies, they melt), granola, trail mix, crackers, gum, mints and chips are good bets. Some are sending those Sudoku books you've been seeing all over the place. Maybe a book or comic books. You know how big boys can be!
Make sure to take pictures of your goodies and boxes. If you have a blog, then blog about it, and talk it up! Send me the URL to your post and your photos and I'll do a round up like I did the last time.
So, Here's the Details:
We would like all the goodies and care packages to be sent out between October 30th and continue through November 10th. That gives everyone plenty of time to bake, package and ship!
For those that have already gone through the registration process and signed up on Operation Baking Gals with my team, Spatulas & Corkscrews, all you have to do is email me for Brandon's address. You've already been to the site and hopefully read EVERYTHING, all the directions, like what to send, how to pack the goodies, how to send it and finally, how to fill out the paperwork. It's all there in FAQ's. Email me at [email protected] and I'll send you his address. I'll also be updating the Operation Baking Gals site too. If I don't hear from you, you'll hear from me in a bulk email. I'm anal like that!
For those of you who haven't registered, but think you've already told me, you still NEED to sign up with Operation Baking Gals before I can send you his address. Plus, we want to have an accurate count of all the bakers on every team. Looks good in the newspapers! Last month it got a little crazy, and we're trying to streamline the process now to make it easier for everybody.
It's Not To Late To Enlist!
Lastly, most of our teams still have room for more bakers. Again, go to Operation Baking Gals, register, then look for "Join a round 4 team here" in the right sidebar. Click on the link and scroll down to Team Spatulas & Corkscrews and hit "Join this group". That's all you have to do. I'll be alerted that you've joined, then email me for Brandon's address as I've said above.

Thanks to all of you for making these soldiers proud to be Americans!
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