Give A Little Support...Bake!
Being a team leader for Round 3 of Operation Baking Gals has been a lot of fun and a lot of work! This month I was one of the hosts of more than 25 bakers and bloggers. I was supposed to stop at 25, but so many wonderful and caring people came out of the woodwork to help, that I had trouble cutting it off and saying no.
Team Spatulas & Corkscrews Round-up is on Its Way!
I'll be doing a Round-up as soon as I get a bunch of OK's from our team. Then I'll take a picture from each blog, or in the event they don't have a blog, I'll write up a quick blurb telling everyone who they are, where they're from and what they made. So, my tired and chocolate splattered bakers, send me your entries and I'll get going on this right away.
This is what I need from you:
- Your name and state
- Your blog url directing me to your post
- If you don't have a blog, send me something about it
- A brief description of what you made and/or sent
700 Strong and Growing!
A few days ago, Susan was telling us there were over 700 bakers shipping out packages this time around. We suspect there's way more than that too. There's been whole groups of bakers getting together in church kitchens, scores of parents & kids baking together and more groups of friends getting together to have some fun while supporting our troops. Some of these huge mega cookie bake-offs have only listed one person as the baker. So, you can see how this Operation Baking Gals might be closer to 1000 than we're being led to believe!
Anyway...Here's My Cookie Care Package!
I decided to kill two birds with one stone this month! I was behind on my cookies for Tuesdays With Dorie, so I figured I'd combine the two. I made Dorie's Chocolate Chunkers Cookies and lots of them! Man, were they good and chocolaty! John and Brad only got one each, because after all, they're for the soldiers! I filled in the gaps with Oatmeal Raisin & White Chocolate Macadamia Cookies. I went to Sam's and got a big box of individually wrapped peanuts and cashews, 2 big boxes of green tea single serving packets and a big box of 18 packs of bubble gum. I got a couple of Rhode Island postcards and put them on top. I had too much for one box, so I filled two and split everything up evenly. I also wrote a quick note inside the box with my email address in it asking Chaplain Michael Jones to let me know how many packages he got and what was the condition of everything.
So, Would You Like To Be a Team Leader?
There will be another wild and crazy bake-fest again every month. So, if you're interested in leading a team of your own, email me at [email protected], and I'll hook you up! If you have a soldier in mind, maybe someone near and dear to you, let me know that too. It's a great motivator when you personally know the soldier you're sending cookies to.
Thanks again! Send your results to me and be looking for my update.
Oh! One more thing! I forgot to say, I'm leaving for Florida in a few hours for 11 days. But, I will have my laptop with me and be able to receive all your cookie news!
Great Job! The soldiers that get your package are going to be VERY happy. The cookies look awesome, like you cooked them in a bakery! Hee Hee. Hi, Brad! Hope all is going well.....
Posted by: Cindy | October 06, 2008 at 10:59 AM
This is such a great idea. Way to go!!
Posted by: Lo! | October 08, 2008 at 02:36 PM
Hi. I just sent you an email. I've already heard from the 10th Mountain Division and they so appreciate the package that my family and I put together. Great thing we're doing. It's the least we can do for all they are doing!! Thanks for organizing our team.
Posted by: Tracy | October 09, 2008 at 09:08 AM
Posted by: Lisa Nester | October 08, 2009 at 06:26 PM