Goddard Park Farmers' Market Treasures
This post is actually from last Friday - 6 long days ago! I thought I should hurry up and get this posted, since I'll be going back again tomorrow!
Heirloom Tomatoes in all the colors of the rainbow!
Summer is Here!
There's no doubt about it, summer is here in all its glory! The stands were overloaded with the most colorful and fresh produce of the season so far. I love this time of year. The smells of ripe heirloom tomatoes, basil and fuzzy peaches were intoxicating. The sight of crates upon crates of this years corn made me dizzy trying to decide who to buy it from. Customers with change in their pockets, buzzing from stand to stand like bees, were intent on filling their recyclable bags full of everything they could get their hands on. Obviously, this made the farmers very happy.
There's always a bunch of happy kids playing in the center of the circle, running around with bagels in their hands and dogs waiting for the bagels to drop to the ground so they can pounce on them!
On any given week there's about 15 vendors, give or take. This week I counted 20 without the Lemonade truck. Maybe I'm getting there too early in the morning, but I haven't seen the pony rides lately.
Two Vendors That Made An Impression On Me This Week:
Barden Family Orchard
Barden's had the most delicious corn I've had this season! Hand's down, it was THE BEST!
I kick myself for buying only 6 ears! And then I invited company over to have the quiche (see below) I made and we shared the corn to boot!
You better believe I'm going back tomorrow and this time I'll buy 2 dozen ears! They also had beautiful peaches, but when you snooze, you loose! I stared at them, they were so beautiful I ate them with my eyes, then I walked away to look at what the other vendors had. When I got back for the corn, there were no more peaches left! CRAP! I'll be buying some of those tomorrow as well! I'm not writing their info here, because as you can see, their sign says it all!
Earth Essence Herbals
I met an herbalist selling all natural skin care products for the body, mind and spirit. Earth Essence Herbals is a cottage company run by Marlene Wojcik located in Carolina, Rhode Island. I bought a bottle of the most heavenly scented Lavender Floral Water I've ever smelled. It was almost hypnotizing. Her brochure says this Lavender Spray can be used as a perfume, as a spray to freshen up a room, or to spritz on linens. She goes on to say that "Lavender - A natural blend of Lavender Flowers infused in Olive Oil and Grapeseed Oil. The healing properties of Lavender are calming, soothing, and balancing for the skin." She had a very attractive table set up with all sorts of creams, salves, bath salts, scrubs, bath oils, balms and even bug spray! They're all hand crafted products too! The prices were reasonable, no more than you would spend anywhere else. If you can't get to the Goddard Park Farmers' Market on Fridays from 9-1pm, you can call her at 401-364-0594 or check out her website at www.earthessenceherbals.com.
Fresh From The Orchard Apples
Look at These Juicy Blackberries!
What I Bought Last Week
- 1) bottle of Lavender Spray $12.00
- 6) ears of Corn $3.50
- 1) 1/2 pint of Blackberries $4.00
- 1) bunch of Rainbow Chard $2.00
- 1) bunch of Red Onions $2.50
- 1) very large Leek $2.00
- 1) bunch of Broccoli $2.50??
- 2) pounds of early Apples $3.50???
- AND 1 Cheese Danish cause I wanted to! $2.00
Darn! I Should Have Bought More Sweet Corn!
Beautiful, Bright Yellow Sunflowers
Broccoli, Leek and Zucchini Quiche
When I got home, I made a batch of pie crust, sauteed the leeks, red onion, broccoli and zucchini and made a To-Die-For Broccoli, Leek and Zucchini Quiche. I put Vermont Cheddar and fresh grated parmesan cheese in it too. It was a deep dish quiche because I only have one pan, my Pampered Chef stoneware pie dish. That's OK though, because it was so thick and good and John could smell it all the way down the dock when he came home! I'll post the recipe ASAP, but until then, I'll leave you with a very tempting photo of the quiche to hold you over!
Is This Quiche Making You Hungry Yet?
Your Local Farmers' Market
I can't stress enough with the way this economy is going how important it is to buy local. Everyone is struggling to put food on their table. Buying local is better for your health (you know where it's coming from - think e coli and salmonella), it's better for our local economy (it helps keep the money in our own back yards) and it's better for the farmers (no explanation needed). Shop your Farmers' Market! Everyone wins!
And Last but Not Least, My Dunkin' Donuts Iced Coffee and Cheese Danish!
Goddard Park Farmers' Market, Warwick, Rhode Island Hours: Open Fridays until mid-October - 9:00am-1:00pm
What a great Farmer's Market you have. Ours is quite a distance away but when we go in the summer, I love to buy my favorite local tomato called "German Johnson", which is by far the homliest tomato I have ever seen, but also the most tasty. They are pricey also. Can't wait for your quiche recipe. How do you stay so trim with all these goodies?
Posted by: Cheryl Sims | August 15, 2008 at 07:35 AM
I love everything about going to the market! Your quiche looks so delicious! I have to buy myself one of those Pampered Chef stone pie dishes!
Posted by: Liliana | August 15, 2008 at 08:12 AM
I'm planning on going to the Shelburne Farmer's Market tomorrow with my out of state friend. :) Can't wait!!!
Posted by: Erika Martin - Stampin' Mama | August 15, 2008 at 10:03 AM
I can't lie. I'm a huge sucker for the farmer's market.
I LOVE the fact that fresh sweet corn is available now. You can't beat that tender, sweet flavor.
Posted by: Lo | August 15, 2008 at 12:04 PM
I'm starved! Looking forward to the quiche recipe. And yes, the corn is to die for this week. Peak of the season!
Posted by: Brenda | August 15, 2008 at 03:19 PM
I'm so jealous. I can never get to a farmer's market. The only one near me is on Friday mornings. :(
I can't wait to see the recipe for the quiche!
Posted by: HoneyB | August 16, 2008 at 06:15 AM
Wonderful Martket Report! Fantastic photos - it all looks just lovely. I especially loved the Dunkin Doughnuts on the hood of your car!
I'm hosting a "Farmer's Market Report" Mr. Linky. I'd be thrilled if you'd come by and check it out! Perhaps you'd like to submit this post? Here's the link: http://toeverymeal.blogspot.com/2008/08/farmers-market-report-aug-16th.html
Posted by: Kerry | August 16, 2008 at 11:24 AM
Donna - yes, we are neighbors! Your farmer's market looks wonderful. Love those heirloom tomatoes. My husband and I have definitely been consuming our share of corn on the cob this year - it's been very sweet. It's a shame the season goes by so quickly. I'll be checking back!
Posted by: Marie Louise | August 16, 2008 at 11:37 PM
I wish we had a farmers market like you have there. ;)
p.s. I have something for you over on my blog.
Posted by: stampmonkey | August 18, 2008 at 01:10 AM